Cash Flow Analysis
The most important source of cash is the profit a business makes from trading, and most loss-making businesses eventually run out of cash (Tutor2u, n.d.). Keeping this fact in mind, SIE sells its consoles at a loss—the degree to which is unknown because the company keeps the cost of the materials comprising its consoles a secret. Given that Sony’s PlayStation 5 disc version console is $599, if an example of a $90 loss is used per console sold, selling the 500,000 consoles as per the initial new customer goal will net a loss of $4.5 million. Selling 17.1 million to match the target customer population would net a loss of about $1.54 billion.
This cash flow problem is handled by the sale of video game software. It costs about $2.00 to press a Blu-ray disc (Bangeman, 2006), which is the medium PlayStation games use. The majority of PlayStation 5 games are sold for $70 (new). Most owners of a console buy more than one game, with the average PlayStation owner owning around ten games (Tailby, 2019). Ten games less cost of Blu-ray printing is $680, which makes up for the $90 loss per console sold almost 8 times over. This translates to an average of $590 profit per console owned by a customer. This strategy is key to staying ahead of any cash flow problems caused by manufacturing and sales of the console.
(n.d.). Causes of cash flow problems. Tutor2u.
Bangeman, E. (2006, March 16). Blu-ray discs too expansive to make? Ars Technica.
Tailby, S. (2019, January 15). PS4 Has a Very High Software Attach Rate, Average Player Owns Around Ten Games. Push Square.